Fazio Brothers (greeting card)
Fazio Brothers | 7”x 5” | Greeting Card
The Father of these boys is Frank Fazio. I met Mr. Fazio at the elementary school in Clifton Heights, PA where he was my daughter’s art teacher. At that time I too was an art student, but at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA) in Philadelphia.
Frank and I became friends, which is easy to do with Frank, he is very likable.
After completing my Master of Fine Art degree at PAFA and moving to Utah, Frank contacted me and commissioned a painting of their three boys, as a gift for his wife. Frank sent a variety of photographs of each boy and of the house & yard. Frank left it up to me to work out which images to use, and how to compose the painting. It was fun to paint these delightful boys, and satisfying to know both Frank and Mrs. Fazio are delighted with the painting.
"You should have the Art you Love."