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French Coffee Pot (greeting card)

French Coffee Pot (greeting card)

French Coffee Pot | 5”x 7” | Greeting Card


As beautiful as this enameled metal is, even with a bit of rust, it’s handle and spout put me in mind of the little ditty about the little teapot... “I’m a little teapot short and stout, here is my handle and here is my spout.” But what I really think about is the version sung by a rather plump scout master at a campfire one night in the Rocky Mountains. This is how he sang it... “I’m a little teapot short and stout, here are my “love handles” (as he grabbed the ample roll at his waist) and here is my spout.” It was pretty funny.

This is one of 5 paintings of French kitchen implements I did for a cafe at L’Auberge du Lac in Lake Charles, Louisiana. They hang together in a group in the front area of the cafe. It was fun gathering the various items, working out the compositions and doing the paintings.


“You should have the Art you Love”

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