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Lincoln Smiles (greeting card)

Lincoln Smiles (greeting card)

Lincoln Smiles | 5”x 7” | Greeting Card


This is a day I have been looking forward to for over two years, and others have been looking forward to it for 164 years. There has been a lot of effort put into painting a portrait or the true good nature of Abraham Lincoln, some of it sadly frustrating and unsuccessful, but finally, and happily we have the success we have desired.


When we think of Abraham Lincoln, and what he looked like, we likely picture stern, un-smiling, black and white images from among the 130 known photographs of him:


In an era of long exposure time photography (5 to 30 minutes), pleasant facial expressions were not captured. We love these iconic images of our beloved 16th President. However, they do not express the full good nature of the man.


When Lincoln was first nominated for president, in 1860, nearly a dozen artists attempted to paint his natural, good humored likeness - without success.


President Lincoln’s secretary John George Nicolay explains why:



“Lincoln’s features were the despair of every artist who undertook his portrait. They put into their pictures the large rugged features, and strong prominent lines: they made measurements to obtain exact proportions; they “petrified” some single look, but the picture remained hard and cold.

Even before these paintings were finished it was plain to see that they were unsatisfactory to the artists themselves, and much more so to the intimate friends of the man; this was not he who smiled, spoke, laughed, charmed.

The picture was to the man as the grain of sand to the mountain, as the dead to the living… There are many pictures of Lincoln; there is no portrait of him.” 

(Pause in Quote)


Those who knew him personally describe Lincoln as cheerful, good humored, sincere, and famous for a smile that… (Quote continued) “lit up his eyes and drew up his cheeks, drawing back the deep-cut lines that flared from his nose to the corners of his mouth and bracketed his chin.” (End of Quote)


Admittedly I too struggled with the rugged features of this great face. I have painted his face on this canvas multiple times late into the night, and made many touch-up alterations in an effort to keep his mighty likeness, while also capturing the feeling of his good nature and easy smile.


Now, at last, one hundred and sixty four years after being elected President of the United States, there is a portrait of the man - Abraham Lincoln.


This portrait has three uniquely valuable features adding to its novelty and desirability:

  • The naturally good humored features of Abraham Lincoln are immortalized on this canvas.

  • The canvas is an impressive, but not too large 44”x 60”

  • This fine-art painting is unique and rare evidence that Lincoln Smiles. He smiled back then, and he smiles again now. It’s truly one of a kind.


The smile in art is rare, and yet valuable.


The Mona Lisa is currently valued at $860m. A very desirable, if mysterious smile.

And here we see in Lincoln Smiles, a very natural and endearing smile, also desirable, and valuable.


In this striking new portrait of President Lincoln, he is presented in a Union Blue suit, white shirt, and red tie (representing the sacrifices made by so many, including President Lincoln), with Confederate Gray now behind him.


Now before I conclude, just one more thing…


This painting comes in a shadow box style frame, crafted by the artist, and with a Certificate of Authenticity booklet filled with unique provenance, stories, and even a brush actually used by the artist to paint the portrait. The owner of this painting will have a great time telling their friends, family, and colleagues all about it.


I am thrilled to present to you this long awaited portrait of President Abraham Lincoln.


If you’d like to be the “one” to own “the” portrait of the natural Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States… you may purchase it here on the website, or contact the artist, Mark B. Goodson at, or call 801-564-4585.


"You should have the Art you Love."

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