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Rising Sun (greeting card)

Rising Sun (greeting card)

Rising Sun | 4.75”x 4.75” | Greeting Card


This painting is of the back of the chair actually used by George Washington while serving as President of the Constitutional Convention.

Whilst the last members of the Constitutional Convention were signing the Constitution, Doctor Franklin, looking towards the Presidents chair, on the back of which a sun was carved and gilded, observed to a few members near him...

“I have, often and often, in the course of the session, and the vicissitudes of my hopes and fears as to its issue, looked at that behind the President, without being able to tell whether it was rising or setting; but now at length, I have the happiness to know, that it is a rising, and not a setting sun.”
– Benjamin Franklin


Doctor Franklin was of course speaking metaphorically of the Constitution and the government of this great nation.


As Americans, let’s ask ourselves, “What am I doing as a patriot today, to protect the constitution and keep our country a rising and not a setting sun?”

While living in the Philadelphia area as an art student at PAFA, I was able to arrange to get into Independence Hall early one morning to photograph President Washington’s chair. My connection to achieve this was established through my eight year old daughter Emma. She had become friends with a girl at school who is also named Emma. We had Emma G and they had Emma C. We met Emma C’s family and became friends.

As it turned out, Emma C’s dad is a National Parks Ranger who at the time was assigned to Independence Hall. He arranged for our early photo shoot and I took my Emma with me for the experience. We of course could not move or even touch the chair, or any of the other things on display there, but we were able to get right up close to the chair and desk etc... we got some good pics and I will be doing other George Washington related paintings in the future.

One of these future paintings will be of George Washington sitting in this chair, at his desk, while signing the Constitution of the United States. I am looking for a patriot to commission this work. If you are (or someone you know is) interested, feel free to contact me. 801-564-4585.


“You should have the Art you Love”

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