Rocky Mountains (greeting card)
Rocky Mountains | 9”x 4” | Greeting Card
This was one of those magic moments when your driving along the highway and happen to look out at the scenery at just the right moment when the morning sunlight is streaming across and revealing and illuminating the wonders of nature.
Of course I had to take the next exit, circle back around and pull over at the right spot to capture natures glorious display, all the while hoping I wouldn’t miss it. Such moments bring to mind how we all too often stop seeing the wonders around us simply because we grow so accustomed to having them around as we drive by. Another good reason to have the art we love displayed in our homes and offices.
This scene is a portion of the Northern Wasatch Rocky Mountains at the mouth of Weber Canyon in Autumn. The distant mountain in the upper left of the scene is the West side of Snow Basin’s mountain peaks.
"You should have the Art you Love"